11 sierpnia 2013

Who am I?


"Musimy wpierw należeć do siebie zanim zaczniemy należeć do kogoś." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Na scrapkach trwa wyzwanie o sobie samym w formie wpisu do art journala. Uwielbiam takie osobiste prace, gdzie można przekazać coś więcej niż tylko udaną kompozycję. Sam art journal to w końcu taki pamiętnik dla tego co chcemy z siebie wyrzucić, od radości do złości. Spróbujecie się otworzyć na to wyzwanie?

'We must be our own before we can be another's.' Ralph Waldo Emerson 

I love personal element in art journaling and meaningful creations. The above entry is my response to a stumper: who am I?  The text reads: I fight anger, unreasonable despair and sorrow, at times.

5 komentarzy:

  1. I love the background of your page!
    Colors and details are amazing:)

  2. I'm so happy you visited my blog - thank you for your comment - so that I could visit in return and discover your work. This page is amazing, and I've had a quick look at your other pieces, and I really love your work. I'm joining up as your newest follower, so I don't miss any more!
    Alison x

  3. Love your art work. It looks " clean and simple", but I know the most difficult is the simplicity.

  4. wow!!! this is a pretty artwork ;-)
    many greetings

