Nie mogłam pomiąć kolejnego wyzwania na Craft Artwork: ateciaka o kształcie gotyckim okraszonego tekstem. Przygotowałam więc mała formę w aurze mrocznego romantyzmu.
It was impossible to be indifferent to the Gothic ATC challenge organized by Craft Artwork. According to the instructions, I made up a small form with an air of dark romanticism. A quotation was taken from the Charles Baudelaire's poem titled 'Beauty'.
It was impossible to be indifferent to the Gothic ATC challenge organized by Craft Artwork. According to the instructions, I made up a small form with an air of dark romanticism. A quotation was taken from the Charles Baudelaire's poem titled 'Beauty'.
Niesamowity!!!! Klimat!!!! Kolor!!! Treść!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńAle piękne!! Cudo;)
OdpowiedzUsuńO WOW!!! Uwielbiam!!!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńCudowne wykonanie !