Kolejny wpis do księżycowego journala to pytanie o definicję kobiecości. Trudno jest zdefiniować kobiecość w czasach kiedy zacierają się różnice pomiędzy tym co typowo kobiece, a tym co męskie. Może warto więc czasem uwolnić z siebie troszkę wrażliwości, ciepła i delikatności, nie tracąc poczucia swobody?
This entry to my lunar art journal calls for the definition of femininity. It is by all means a hard task to precise what womanhood means, as masculine and female features mingle so often. How about being delicate, sensitive and heartfelt while still being free? The text reads: Womanliness unleashed.
This entry to my lunar art journal calls for the definition of femininity. It is by all means a hard task to precise what womanhood means, as masculine and female features mingle so often. How about being delicate, sensitive and heartfelt while still being free? The text reads: Womanliness unleashed.